Implementing Logging Using Node.Js, Elasticsearch, Kibana and Docker

Implementing Logging Using Node.Js, Elasticsearch, Kibana and Docker

Logging play a very important role in software development. It helps monitoring, troubleshooting, debugging, event tracing, request tracing, security, and also can be used by Business Intelligence(BI) for reporting purpose. Logging has numerous benefits. But in this blog post, we will focus on building a real-world example to store application logs in Elasticsearch via a Node.js app by using the Winston NPM package and visualize them using Kibana. Additionally, we will dockerize the entire application....

June 10, 2024 · 9 min · 1755 words · Prakash Bhandari
Polling vs Webhooks

Polling vs Webhooks

Sometimes, we need to notify or update another system after a certain interval or upon completing background processing jobs. In such situations, we either use webhooks or polling. Each method has its own use cases, advantages, and disadvantages. This blog post will explain the differences between polling and webhooks, along with their respective use cases, pros, and cons. What is Polling? Polling, also known as API polling, is a mechanism where the client repeatedly calls the server to check for updates or changes until it receives a response from the server....

March 13, 2024 · 4 min · 653 words · Prakash Bhandari