How to Embed a Json File in a .Net Assembly

How to Embed a Json File in a .Net Assembly?

Before directly jump into the implementation. It is better to understand what is assembly and why sometimes we need to embed files like text, json etc. in the assembly. What is an assembly within the .NET framework? As a new .NET programmer, understanding assembly can be very difficult. If you go to Microsoft documentation, you will find the following definition of a web assembly: An assembly is a collection of types and resources that are built to work together and form a logical unit of functionality....

August 20, 2023 · 4 min · 647 words · Prakash Bhandari
Parameters vs arguments

Parameter vs Argument

Parameter vs. argument As a beginner, two terms that often cause confusion to the developers are “parameters” and “arguments”. As a Junior Engineer I was interchangeably using the terms parameter and argument. It took me a while to understand. Many of you also using these two term interchangeably. In this article, I will try to explain the basic difference between parameter and arguments used in the function. Parameters In programming, a parameter is a variable or a placeholder used in a function definition....

August 2, 2023 · 2 min · 378 words · Prakash Bhandari
How to Switch Node Versions?

How to Switch Node Versions?

You might be working on many node projects on your device. You may be using different versions of Node for different projects. There could be an issue while running older projects in new version of node. As for example, let’s say you have created one project 2 years ago which is compatible with node version v14.17.6 . Now, you have updated the node version of your machine to v20.2.0. In this case, your older project might not work in the newer version of node....

May 18, 2023 · 2 min · 423 words · Prakash Bhandari
How to Send Slack Notification With Laravel ?

How to Send Slack Notification With Laravel?

In Laravel, each notification is represented by a single class that is typically stored in the app/Notifications directory. Don’t worry if you don’t see this directory in your application. It will be created for you when you run the below artisan command make:notification ie. php artisan make:notification TestNotification.php Laravel documentation on how to create notification Laravel notification can be used for many purpose as for example, sending SMS, Email etc....

May 17, 2023 · 2 min · 260 words · Prakash Bhandari
How to Dockerize a React Application?

How to Dockerize a React Application?

Dockerizing is the process of packing, deploying, and running applications using Docker containers. Docker is very popular among the developers. In this post, I am going to show you “How to Dockerizing the React Application?”. for local development and ready for production with great performance. Before that I will briefly define what is docker and react. What Is Docker? Docker is an open source tool that combines your application with all the necessary dependencies and libraries as one portable package (docker image)....

January 5, 2023 · 6 min · 1103 words · Prakash Bhandari
How to Test Localhost Web App on Your Mobile Phone?

How to Test Localhost Web App on Your Mobile Phone?

The computer was the main tool used to get information from the Internet. However, recent evolution in smart devices, such are smartphones or tablets enabled mobile users to have the same power that computer had. User can browse websites in their own smart devices via mobile web browsers with the same speed of internet from anywhere. As one of the most dispersed communication tools in the world today, the mobile phone technology has a growing impact on the social and cultural aspect of everyday life of individuals....

January 1, 2023 · 4 min · 671 words · Prakash Bhandari
How to Create a Navbar Using Material UI and React Router

How to Create a Navigation Bar Using Material UI and React Router?

Navigation bar or navbar is the very important component of UI design on website. Navigation bar is the collection of internal hyperlinks which helps users browse through your website pages effortlessly. Design of navbar impact the overall user experience for a website. There are different types of Navigation bars. Horizontal Navigation Bar Dropdown Navigation Menu Hamburger Navigation Menu Vertical Sidebar Navigation Menu Footer Navigation Menu Here, I am not going to explain each and every type of the navigation bar....

December 30, 2022 · 3 min · 535 words · Prakash Bhandari
Absolutely Free Open Source Resume Builder Without Watermarks or Any Other Limitations

Absolutely Free Open Source Resume Builder Without Watermarks or Any Other Limitations

In early days of my career I used to struggle to build the resume. I had no idea how to build the proper well-structured professional resume. Most of the time I was using Microsoft Word Template. Later, I came know that online web apps can also be helpful to create resume, I tried online web apps to generate resume. But, none of them were free and had some kinds of limitations like adding watermarks or asking to pay while exporting the resume....

December 29, 2022 · 3 min · 589 words · Prakash Bhandari
Is Squash Commits Good Over Regular Merge Commits?

Is Squash Commits Good Over Regular Merge Commits?

‘Merge commits’ and ‘Squash Commits’ both commands has its own advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I use both commands. I don’t have any strong opinion to support only one command as a best command. Both of them are useful for me :). In this article, I will explain how and when I am using the “Merge commits” and “Squash Commits” based on situation. Squash Commits Sometimes you might be working in a feature which has many commits, and you don’t want to maintain the history of all the commits at that time you can use “Squash Commits”....

December 28, 2022 · 5 min · 1010 words · Prakash Bhandari
Create Q & A With OpenAI ChatGPT in NodeJS and React

Create Q & A With OpenAI ChatGPT in NodeJS and React

OpenAI recently released the ChatGPT-3 and this is trending topic. I also tried ChatGPT-3 in their playground. It’s really cool, and more than what I thought. I have been using GitHub Copilot which is also powered by OpenAI. OpenAI Codex is a generative pertained language model which helps people write code even for non-tech people. ChatGPT-3 dose more than helping people write code. It interacts like human in a conversational way to provide a detailed response to their query....

December 15, 2022 · 6 min · 1169 words · Prakash Bhandari